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Current LRIGS participants:
Stephanie Ibsen, PhD
Determination of reclamation progress and ecosystem health of disturbed sites including oil sands mining, diamond mining and coal mining, using invertebrates as bio-indicators.
Autumn Watkinson, PhD
Restoration of native sagebrush grassland to increase greater sage grouse populations in Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Yihan Zhao, PhD
Assess the potential of using mineral source derived material as amendments to address soil deterioration issue in coal mine sites and to return the disturbed land to a productive, sustainable and beneficial state.
Laura Bony, MSc
Evaluate current saline soil regulatory criteria in the context of plant response to different salts and the impact on overall reclamation.
Jenna Abou Rizk, MSc
Potential anthroposol development using phosphogypsum as a substrate with soil and organic amendments.
Jaime Aguilar, MSc
Urban naturalization for green spaces in the City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Lynnette Allemand, Student Research Assistant
Biopolymer-assisted consolidation of oil sands tailings.
Iraleigh Anderson, Student Research Assistant
Assisting with various reclamation projects involving pipelines, phosphogypsum, diamond mines and other disturbances.
Muhammad Arshad, Post Doctoral Fellow
Development of biopolymers for de-watering and consolidation of oil sands tailings.
Alison Bijman, MSc
Effects of biochar, fertilizer and deadwood shelter treatments on establishment of herbaceous vegetation during coal mine reclamation.
Brett Campbell, MSc
Aggregate resource extraction: examining environmental impacts on optimal extraction and reclamation strategies.
Connor Charchuk, Student Research Assistant
Monitoring bird use of reclaimed wellpad sites at different vegetation recovery stages.
Karen Christensen-Dalsgaard, MSc
Bioremediation of cyanobacteria blooms through food-web manipulation.
Victoria Collins, PhD
Anaerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbons under nitrogen depleted conditions. .
Sebastian Dietrich, PhD
Characterization of soil spatial heterogeneity and improvement of capping materials for oil sands mine reclamation.
Elizabeth Domreis, MSc
Pathways of methanogenic hydrocarbon degradation in oil sands tailings
Mark Donner, MSc
Assessment of arsenic and selenium in ground and surface water of the Lower Athabasca River Watershed.
Sarah Ficko, PhD
Shrub and lichen revegetation for diamond mine reclamation.
Sylyanne Foo, Student Research Assistant
Investigating the root architecture of trees in response to soil characteristics.
Matthew Gelderman, MSc
The regeneration niche of whitebark pine: key to restoring a species.
Jocelyn Gregoire, MSc
Upland songbird response to recovering seismic lines and how the spatial scale of analysis affects the interpretation of results.
Peining Guan, Student Research Assistant
Examining the spatial pattern of soil properties created by land reclamation at an oil sands mining site.
Stephanie Ibsen, MSc
Effects of long term nitrogen and sulfur depositions on soil microbial communities and soil properties in the Athabasca oil sands region in northern Alberta, Canada.
Zhichao Jiao, MSc
Effects of micro sites and amendments on near surface soil temperature and volumetric water content to enhance revegetation.
Kangho Jung, Post Doctoral Fellow
Effects of textural interfaces on soil physico-chemical properties in reclaimed jack pine and white spruce stands.
Jeff Kelly, Post Doctoral Fellow
Development of high quality seedling stock for reclamation and restoration.
Jinhyeob Kwak, Post Doctoral Fellow
Effects of ten years of nitrogen and sulfur depositions on soil properties, growth and chemical properties of trees, and understory species diversity.
Jasmine Lamarre, MSc
Tundra bryophyte revegetation: novel methods for revegetating northern ecosystems.
Kangyi Lou, MSc
Adsorption of phosphate and copper by pine sawdust biochars and economic analysis.
Caitlin Low, MSc
Impacts of a six year old pipeline right of way on Halimolobos virgata (Nutt.) O.E. Schulz (slender mouse ear cress), native dry mixedgrass prairie uplands, and wetlands.
Xueyang Liu, Student Research Assistant
Elevated levels of nitrogen and sulfur depositions effects on soil acidification and decline in tree growth and understory species.
Bin Ma, Post Doctoral Fellow
Rhizosphere microbial community response to salt migration and capping strategies in oil sands reclamation.
Valerie Miller, PhD
Development of anthroposols for diamond mine reclamation.
Kate Melnik, MSc
The role of microtopography in the expression of soil propagule banks on reclamation sites.
Federico Mollard, Post Doctoral Fellow
Plant community regeneration through seeds.
Gillian Mullan-Boudreau, MSc
Moss and peat as monitors of contemporary and past rates of atmospheric dust deposition in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands Region.
Alison Murata, PhD
Assessment and remediation of soils and ground water contaminated with chlorinated organic compounds and salts.
Anita Nowinka, Student Research Assistant
Moss and peat as monitors of present and past atmospheric dust deposition in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands Region.
Catherine Pocklington, Student Research Assistant
Effects of subsoil ripping on soil physical properties and soil water dynamics of reconstructed soils.
Prem Pokharel, MSc
Nursery fertilization and understory competition affect seedling growth in oil sands reclaimed soils in Alberta.
Logan Purdy, Student Research Assistant
Effects of different agricultural and landscape management practices on soil properties and health.
Kayla Rice, Student Research Assistant
Examining the presence of arsenic and selenium in the lower Athabasca River in Alberta.
Federico Riva, PhD
Responses in butterflies to loss and fragmentation of boreal forests from in situ oil sands.
Martin Robinson, Student Research Assistant
Reclaiming phosphogypsum and sequestering carbon with trees and grasses.
Yike Shen, Student Research Assistant
Influence of salt migration (from saline ground water) with different capping strategies on root growth and rhizosphere microbial communities.
Stanley Thach, Student Research Assistant
Biodegradation of hydrocarbons in residual organic diluent in oil sands tailings by syntrophic anaerobic bacteria and methanogenic archaea.
Sarah Thacker, Student Research Assistant
Plant community development after mine reclamation.
Mihiri Wadu, Post Doctoral Fellow
Micronutrient and phosphorous availability and speciation and tree growth in reconstructed forest soils in the Athabasca oil sands region.
Lijing Wang, Student Research Assistant
Impacts of elevated nitrogen and sulfur depositions on land reclamation in the Athabasca oil sands region.
Qi Wang, MSc
Calculating the costs of farmland conservation: case study of Alberta, Canada.
Nilusha Welegedara, PhD
Modelling short and long-term effects of soil cover depth on tree growth and productivity in reclaimed landscapes of northern Alberta.
Venesa Whyte, Student Research Assistant
Methods to enhance reclamation of northern plant communities and assisting with reclamation projects after pipeline construction, mining and other disturbances.
Scott Wilson, MSc
Use of an acoustic location system to understand songbird response to vegetation regeneration on reclaimed well sites in the boreal forest of Alberta.
Yingjie Wu, Student Research Assistant
Growth performance of nutrient loaded seedlings of jack pine, white spruce and aspen on reconstructed soils of oil sands in northern Alberta.
Hye In Yang, Student Research Assistant
Testing efficacy of biochars in removing metal, phosphorous and nitrogen contamination in oil sands process affected waters.
Wenqing Zhang, Post Doctoral Fellow
Drought, salinity and mycorrhizal effects on plant water relations in oil sands reclamation.
Yihan Zhao, MSc
VBiomonitoring and assessment of airborne fluoride from fertilizer production.