Outreach Activities

Become An Earth Doctor

Explore the steps of land reclamation in a game created by reclamation scientists from the Land Reclamation International Graduate School, University of Alberta. By playing along with this card and dice style game, you will face the challenges of land reclamation and try to heal the Earth yourself.

The game is recommended for ages 10 and up, however can be played by anyone. The supplies needed are: game and risk cards (either online or printed), scoresheet (either online or printed), pencil/pen (if scoresheet printed), a dice and/or random number generator.

Download “Become An Earth Doctor Game” and play yourself.

This presentation provides background information to support game play “Become An Earth Doctor Resource Presentation“.

Explore land reclamation with Dr. Valerie Miller and learn many of the steps we can take to plan for a healthy Earth https://youtu.be/24QI_NISygg

Bucket List for Land Reclamation Professionals

Things to try to do over the course of your career. Track and classify experiences as exposure to, proficient at, or mastery of.

LRIGS Bucket List